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主賜的力量 Strength from the Lord

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保羅在此發出由衷的感謝,感謝的對象是主基督耶穌,感謝的內容是力量。這裡一方面是賜力量的主,一方面是接受力量的使徒,因為這兩者有非常親密的關係,這關係使賜力量與接受力量兩者之間暢通無阻。說明主耶穌不僅僅拯救他,還與他同在─ 有主的同在才能加添力量,使他在傳道的路上,越來越有力量,不會跌倒、放棄、打倒。




I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has given me strength, that he considered me trustworthy,

appointing me to his service. ~1Timothy 1:12~

      Paul expresses his sincere thanks here. The object of thanks is the Lord Jesus Christ, and the content of his gratitude is strength. Here on one side is the Lord who gives strength; the other side is the disciple who has received strength. Because the two have a very close relationship, the power can flow freely from the strength-giving to the strength-receiving side. It shows us that the Lord Jesus not only saved him, but was also with him -- the presence of the Lord can give strength, so that he will become stronger in the ministry instead of falling down, giving up, and being knocked down.

         A person who can receive power must first know that he needs power; a person who thinks himself strong cannot recognize his own needs, nor will he seek the Lord's help. Our weakness is a reality. We are all weak in spiritual battles; even ministers/pastors are weak. So we really need the strength from the Lord.

          Paul was given strength by the Lord and was praised for his faithfulness and was sent by the Lord. Behind the scourge of humiliation and suffering, Paul remained faithful to death and served the Lord with faith and love. This faithfulness was not necessarily seen by people from the outside, but the Lord Jesus recognized his faithfulness.

        With the spread of COVID19 and the re-definition by the justices about gender, our faith is facing unprecedented challenges. Let us stand firm in our faith, stay faithful to the end, continue to serve the Lord, and ask the Lord to strengthen us, thank the Lord Jesus for His strength given us! Let us continue to be faithful in our calling and serve the Lord.

~Rev. Benguang Du 都本光牧師~

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